
Tuesday, 31 March 2015

365: Red; Leftovers

This is one of five or six crap apple trees growing "wild" in the big park by our house - 60 acres of park we're so fortunate to have nearby. The park is very well used by the area residents and their dogs, and has been forever. People bring all sorts of food in there and seeds are dropped everywhere. Some take root but whatever might try to grow is usually trampled by people or dog feet before they get a good hold. But these, because they're on the hillside, where people are less inclined to walk, did grow; three of them, side by side, with really nice crab apples for anyone who might want one.

Last year, my friend, Rory (Aurora, actually) and I went down there and stripped as many apples as we could reach from the ground and by climbing. This year, I think both of us still have loads of the jelly we made, so we didn't pick and neither did anyone else. Even the birds didn't partake this year.

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