
Saturday, 18 January 2014

365: Red; January 17, At the Gallery

My colleague and exhibition co-show is a really connected guy. He knows everyone who's anyone in the arts and photographic community, and every one knows him, and he knows every event happening in the city, when, where. how long and how many he can get to in a day or night.

We were to meet up for drinks, but when I called him, he said he was "just going to rip by this new show" and did I want to come, which I did, because I don't get out enough and I sure don't go to enough openings and shows.

I really enjoy these shows - the work part of them. I am always completely fascinated by who attends, what they wear, both on their bodies and as attitude, and by how static those things are; there's definitely a look and an attitude it seems one must possess to be on the inside. I have neither, so when these types realise I am the other participant in my colleague's joint show, they're surprised. It's kinda hilarious.

But I love me a pair of red shoes. They're standard attire for about 30 percent of art show attendees. I have four pairs, two heels and two flats (one with chains!) I'll have to crack them out for the next show so I have some street cred.

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